Christmas Devotional

Day 11: Caring

When Jesus Christ walked this earth, he showed us such a compassionate and caring example. He ate with the most despised citizens of his time including greedy tax collectors, the lame, the sick, the destitute and prostitutes. He didn’t look down at people because they sinned. He knew we are all sinners in need of a saviour. This world needs Christians to emulate Christ in this manner. We should be actively loving the unloved, pursuing the hearts of the lowly and caring for the entire world. May these words paraphrased from Galatians 6:7-10 encourage you.

Beloved Child,

I am a God of justice. I care deeply about setting the standard for right and wrong. My heart longs to see the injustices of the world corrected. Believe Me when I say to you that the actions you partake in will later reveal cause and effect. The people in this world who only live to please themselves and satisfy their wants are going to see the effects of those choices as they experience the damage of the seeds they have sown. Dear Child, please live so that your life pleases the Spirit, and as a result you will harvest endless rewards from the Spirit. I am not asking you to seek legalism and believe that you are saved by your religious routines, instead I am asking you to live in a way that focuses on sacrificial living. You can not win my affection by doing honourable deeds, because My Son’s innocent blood gave you your salvation and I already hold deep love for you.  But I do call you to live well, to do good, and to love. Your life is a marathon, and there are ample opportunities to serve others, showing kindness and compassion while loving deeply. Never grow exasperated from these things. Oh, how much the world needs your caring spirit to shine forth. At My perfect time, you will experience a multitude of blessings if you persevere and run your marathon well. Please Dear Child, every single time you have the opportunity to show a caring, loving and empathetic spirit – do so – to absolutely everyone in this world! You never know who needs your kindness today or what benefit there is to gain by showing it. Trust Me, in My timing you will see the benefit of your efforts.

Love Always,
God the Father

Galatians 6:7-10, paraphrased

Application Questions:

  • How can you overcome the desire to do the wrong things and make an active choice to serve instead?
  • How can you ensure you are caring for others out of love and not legalism?
  • Who does God bring to mind today as someone who you need to show a caring attitude towards?

Alternate verses for your reflection:

  • Philippians 2:1-11
  • Galatians 6:2-3
  • Romans 12:6-21
  • James 1:27
  • Proverbs 19:17


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